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  • Writer's pictureAna Vedette

A blank page: How to make the most of white space

Updated: May 12, 2019

As an artist, I struggle with lots of blank pages. From essays, to doodle pages, I've scene them all! And let me tell you, no task is more onerous then trying to figure out how to fill a blank space.

Do you have any solutions?

As a matter of fact, I do!

For writing:

Haven't got any ideas? How about you start with your initial intention for writing.

I agree on one unmistakable fact, and that's that it's very hard to fake creativity. But if you're sitting with a pen and paper at your desk right now reading this, or at your laptop, hands hovering over the keys ready to type, but stumped looking a overwhelming amount of blank space, do this:

Write/type out your idea. Make it the header, subtitle, first sentence, whatever comes to mind, and then let everything after that flow. Just jot down any and everything that comes to mind, this is a draft after all, and even if it's the dumbest thing in the world to have down on paper, don't rule it out. Because soon your page will be filled with ideas for you to expand on and the task will no longer seem so daunting.

For Drawing/Doodling:

It can be very difficult to find the inspiration or motivation to fill a blank sketch page or start an artist project. Trust me, I know!

Now, if its the creativity part that your struggling with, such as finding inspiration or just getting out of an art block in general, I'm going to share some of my secrets with you on how to overcome these hurtles.

Where do you find your inspiration?

I pull most of my artist inspiration from 3 main websites; YouTube, Pintrest and Deviant art. When I'm just browsing, one of the things I do most commonly is to either look for art challenges or find poses to trace or copy. And I usually find that once I find a pose I like, that I can practice drawing with, my creativity will kick in and pull me out of my slump. Another thing that I find helpful, is to watch artists flip through their sketchbooks. is fun because I can see what methods they use to color their art and stylize their pages.

I also find it fun to get a bit out of my comfort zone and try drawing in other artist style. Now this can be a bit tricky, because most artist will be highly offended if you claim the style as your own. What I do to work my way around this is I just take the general concept of their piece, along with the few key traits that make the style unique, and combine that with my own style or others.

Sketching out ideas from your head or small objects around you can also fill a page.


So basically, if you know how to get started, you can fill what ever blank space is thrown at you!

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